Handwriting Instructional Strategies
- Teach consistent letter formation
- Letters should be taught using a continuous stroke, don't lift the pencil unless the letter has a cross or dot.
- Start by focusing on learning the motor pattern, don't worry how the letter looks at the start, was it made the correct way and the correct size
- Teach similar letters together (start with the c, then teach a and d) they start the same way.
- Teach reversible letters and different times. Students may get confused and forget which one is which if they haven't mastered one first
- Handwriting Without Tears
- It is a curriculum that has a wide range of content and instruction. It has a progression throughout the series and not only focuses on how to write a letter it also has students building letters which is kinetic.
- Focuses on letter formation, repetitive practice but writing, tracing, and erasing using chalk with a chalkboard. There are instructions how to teach each letter as well as practice sheets for students to use.
- The importance of teaching handwriting. Reading Rockets. (2013, November 7). Retrieved July 31, 2022, from https://www.readingrockets.org/article/importance-teaching-handwriting
- Handwriting without tears review. The Smarter Learning Guide. (n.d.). Retrieved July 31, 2022, from https://smarterlearningguide.com/handwriting-without-tears-review